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Primary income-support welfare programs that could be consolidated into a single basic income include: earned income tax credit (EITC), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), temporary assistance for needy families (TANF), and supplemental security income (SSI).
The benefit of Medicaid coverage received by a newly insured adult is less than half what that coverage costs taxpayers, which is about $5,500 a year.
In the UK, a UBI that replaces all other means-tested benefits would increase poverty rates for children, pensioners, and the working-age adults.
In 2007, the U.S. spent $207 billion on means-tested welfare, and only lifted 9.7 million of the 37.3 million Americans living in poverty.
Reducing welfare eligibility criteria from patchwork means-testing to solely on the basis of income as reported to the IRS should increase take-up rates, reduce stigma, and significantly cut administrative costs relative to the current safety net.
In the state of Oregon, the cost of running the unemployment agency is about $500 per unemployed person per year.
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Jeff Sessions
Amy Finkelstein
Christian Zimmermann
Stéphane Pallage
Alice Fabre
Luke Shaefer
Elizabeth Rhodes
Jessica Wiederspan
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Basic Income