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A $6k year UBI funded by an 11.25% payroll tax is modeled to increase federal revenues by 56.1% by 2027.
A revenue-neutral swap of New York City's taxes for a 21.7% land value tax is simulated to increase wages by 4% and aggregate output by 91%, while decreasing city land price by 28%, and the poverty rate by 34%.
If New York City were to swap out its income, property, and general corporation taxes with a land value tax, a LVT rate of 21.6% would be needed to maintain the level of tax revenue.
Since March 2018, 57% of corporate tax savings from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act have gone to shareholders through stock buybacks or dividends, while only 20% have gone towards job creation commitments, and 6% to employees as wages, bonuses, or benefits.
Land value taxation is unique in that it can raise tax revenue without raising the adverse fiscal incentives that other tax measures impose.
Increasing the tax rate on land, balanced by a decrease in the tax rates on the income of capital and labor, can provide a fiscal means to stimulate the economy while maintaining current levels of expenditures and debt.
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Options for Universal Basic Income: Dynamic Modeling
An Introduction to Two-Rate Taxation of Land and Buildings
The Macroeconomic Effects of Universal Basic Income Programs
Public Split on Basic Income for Workers Replaced by Robots
Raising Revenue with a Progressive Value-Added Tax
The Case for a Robust Attack on the Tax Gap
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Cletus C. Coughlin
Jeffrey P. Cohen
André Victor Doherty Luduvice
RJ Reinhart
William Gale
Natasha Sarin
Charles Goodhart
Michael Hudson
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Basic Income
Land Value Tax